News Release: Statement on Facebook’s Scaling of Cryptocurrency Efforts

Following reports that Facebook is scaling up its cryptocurrency efforts with the launch of a pilot of its cryptocurrency wallet “Novi”, Demand Progress Education Fund and Americans for Financial Reform Education Fund released the following joint statement. The post News Release: Statement on Facebook’s Scaling of Cryptocurrency Efforts appeared first on Americans for Financial Reform.

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News Release: Labor Department: Retirement Plans and Pensions Right To Consider Sustainability, Jobs, Equity, Workers 

Americans for Financial Reform Education Fund (AFREF) applauds the Labor Department for issuing this proposal to better allow and encourage retirement plans and pensions to consider sustainability factors like workers’ rights, racial justice, corporate governance, and climate change when investing. The post News Release: Labor Department: Retirement Plans and Pensions Right To Consider Sustainability, Jobs, […]

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News Release: Companies Backed by Giant Private Equity Firms Received $5.3bn in COVID-19 Stimulus Funds

Hundreds of companies owned or backed by some of the most well financed private equity firms in the US secured an estimated $5.3 billion in public funds under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act), reveals a new investigation published today. The post News Release: Companies Backed by Giant Private Equity Firms […]

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NEWS RELEASE: Advocates for Workers and Investors Call on Labor Department to Withdraw Policy that Lets Private Equity Loot Retirement Plans

Nineteen organizations and individuals that advocate on behalf of consumers, workers, investors and retirees have called on the Department of Labor to withdraw its controversial policy statement opening the door to private equity investments in 401(k) plans.

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News Release: HUD Proposing to Roll Back Civil Rights Protections in Housing

“HUD’s proposed rule makes it virtually impossible for a disparate impact claim to stand in court,” says Linda Jun, senior policy counsel for Americans for Financial Reform Education Fund. “By raising the threshold for disparate impact, the new rule creates a nearly unsurmountable bar for plaintiffs to prove discriminatory outcomes and makes it much easier for defendants to shield themselves from any responsibility for discrimination.”

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News Release: In Comprehensive Official Comment Letter, Broad Coalition Rebukes Trump-Appointed CFPB Director’s Plan To Gut Payday Loan Rule

Americans for Financial Reform Education Fund, as part of a coalition of civil rights, consumer, and labor groups, submitted an official comment letter to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau excoriating CFPB Director Kathy Kraninger’s proposal to gut a 2017 rule that was issued to stop payday loan debt traps. The coalition’s comment letter, submitted on the last day of the comment period, is a comprehensive rebuttal to Kraninger’s rationales for rolling back consumer protections on payday loans.

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News Release: Mulvaney Plan to Gut Payday Lending Rule Defies Common Sense

The rule, which was years in the making, created vital protections for consumers of payday, car title, and some longer-term loans to ensure that predatory lenders don’t trap customers in unaffordable loans. Underlying the rule is the common-sense principle that lenders should consider whether borrowers have the ability to repay a loan before they risk their financial well-being.

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StoptheDebtTrap Statement: 49 Senators Tell the CFPB to Protect Service Members

Today, Senator Reed (D-RI), Senator Brown (D-OH), and forty-seven other senators sent a letter to acting Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Director Mick Mulvaney, calling on the bureau to continue supervision of lending made to active duty service members and their families to ensure that lenders are complying with the Military Lending Act.

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