Letters to Regulators: Letter Urging HUD to Extend the Foreclosure Moratorium and Deadline to Request Forbearance for FHA Borrowers

AFREF and 154 organizations sent a letter urging HUD to extend the foreclosure moratorium and deadline to request forbearance for FHA borrowers to give them the best opportunity to sustain homeownership beyond the pandemic. The post Letters to Regulators: Letter Urging HUD to Extend the Foreclosure Moratorium and Deadline to Request Forbearance for FHA Borrowers […]

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Letters to Regulators: Letter Asking for Restored Supervisory and Enforcement Tools in Mortgage Servicing Rules

AFREF, NCLC, NFHA and NHLP sent a letter to the CFPB, FRB, FDIC, OCC, NCUA and CSBS asking the agencies to update the April 3, 2020 Joint Statement on Supervisory and Enforcement Practices Regarding the Mortgage Servicing Rules in Response to the COVID-19 Emergency and the CARES Act to restore key supervisory and enforcement tools […]

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Letters to Regulators: Sign-on letter from Consumer Federation of America to the SEC on Repairing Corporate America’s Broken Reporting Infrastructure

AFREF, alongside 34 other organizations, joined a letter The Consumer Federation of America (CFA) submitted on June 7th to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) raising concerns about the dire state of financial reporting in Corporate America.  The post Letters to Regulators: Sign-on letter from Consumer Federation of America to the SEC on Repairing Corporate […]

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Letters to Regulators: Letter to CFPB on Urging In-Language Outreach to LEP Consumers Facing COVID-19 Hardship and Expansion of Language Access in Mortgage Origination and Servicing

View or download pdf. August 24, 2020   Director Kathleen Kraninger Consumer Financial Protection Bureau 1700 G Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20552   Re:      Language Access Roundtable Discussion   Dear Director Kraninger:   Thank you for inviting us to participate in the Bureau’s July 29 roundtable discussion of issues facing limited English proficient (LEP) […]

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Letters to Regulators: AFR Education Fund letter to the CFTC regarding proposed rule on Swap Execution Facilities and Trade Execution Requirement

On March 15, 2019, Americans for Financial Reform Education Fund sent a letter to the Commodity Futures Trading Commission expressing several concerns regarding the agency’s “Swap Execution Facilities and Trade Execution Requirement” proposed rules. Read or download a PDF version of the letter.

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AFR EF Statement: Court Sides with Students Over DeVos’s Pro-Corporate Agenda

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 16, 2018 CONTACT: Alexis Goldstein, alexis@ourfinancialsecurity.org, 202-973-8005 Americans for Financial Reform Education Fund applauds the news that a court has rejected the for-profit college industry’s attempt to stop the 2016 Borrower Defense rule. Today, the United States District Court for the District of Columbia sided with students over Betsy Devos’s attempts to let […]

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Joint Letter: 8 Organizations Warn Regulators Against Bank Payday Loans and Rent-a-Bank Arrangements

“Deposit advance” loans are payday loans, pure and simple, and data clearly show they create the same debt trap caused by non-bank payday loans. High-cost longer-term loans facilitated by banks and credit unions would also cause customers substantial harm. We also urge you to ensure that all financial institutions engaged in small dollar lending (1) […]

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