AFR Calls on SEC to Strengthen Rules Governing Credit Rating Agencies

AFR, AFSCME, and the SEIU today sent the letter below to the Securities and Exchange Commission calling on the Commission to reproprose and strengthen its rules governing credit rating agencies. Conflicts of interest and deceptive practices at credit rating agencies were central to the 2008 financial crisis and continue to pose a threat to the economy today.

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Comment Letter on S.E.C. Rules Change Involving Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) Linked to Copper

In an Oct. 23 letter, AFR urged the Securities and Exchange Commission not to to approve the organization and marketing of a commodity Exchange Traded Fund based on the storage of physical copper. Allowing speculators to hoard this vital industrial metal would damage the economy and set a dangerous precedent, the letter warned.

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AFR and AFL-CIO Oppose Anti-Investor JOBS Act General Solicitation Rule

In a joint comment letter submitted today to the Securities and Exchange Commission, AFR and AFL-CIO expressed strong opposition to the agency’s proposed rule lifting the ban on general solicitation and advertising in private offerings. The groups called on the SEC to withdraw the rule proposal and issue a new rule incorporating reasonable safeguards to protect investors and promote market integrity.

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