Letter to FHA urging stay on foreclosures during government shutdown
Letter to FHA urging stay on foreclosures during government shutdown
Advocate etter to USDA urging stop to foreclosures during government shutdown
“As dominant actors in the mortgage industry with a statutory duty to facilitate underserved communities’ access to homeownership, we welcome the FHFA, Freddie Mac, and Fannie Mae’s consideration of steps to expand access to the mortgage market.”
Mel Watt is being urged again to end the policy of prohibiting mortgage modifications that reduce the balance of principal. In a joint letter delivered today, more than 200 housing, community, labor, civil rights and consumer groups call on Watt to reverse the Federal Housing Finance Agency’s longstanding ban on principal reduction – a policy put in place by his predecessor.
FHFA’s proposal to charge more in states with consumer protections has elicited letters of strong opposition from housing and consumer advocates, members of Congress, legal and policy experts, Attorneys General, state legislators, and others.
AFR joined more than 35 organizations in signing onto a comment letter regarding the CFPB’s servicing standards proposal.
AFR submitted a comment letter to the CFPB regarding their servicing standards proposal.
AFR wrote to the Federal Housing Finance Administration asking them not to interfere in state and local use of eminent domain to aid homeowners in restructuring underwater mortgages