In a joint letter, AFR urges the SEC and CFTC not to exempt this common type of financial guarantee, which closely resembles a swap, from new derivatives rules.
In a joint letter, AFR urges the SEC and CFTC not to exempt this common type of financial guarantee, which closely resembles a swap, from new derivatives rules.
AFR submitted a comment letter to the CFTC on the clearing mandate. This is the CFTC’s initial proposal for what derivatives will have to be cleared, and the CFTC has the ability to designate more swaps for clearing, which AFR recommends in the letter.
AFR submitted a comment letter to the CFTC regarding a rule that will determine whether the CFTC can regulate derivatives trading by foreign affiliates of US banks and corporations. Since derivatives trades move easily around the world and between affiliates and the parent company, it is important that US regulators be able to apply Dodd-Frank to such foreign trades. Our letter urged the CFTC not to let financial institutions escape derivatives rules by funneling transactions through their foreign affiliates.
AFR submitted a comment letter to the CFTC opposing the delay of key international derivatives rules. At a minimum, safe guards should be maintained if the delay is granted.