Letter to Regulator: AFR and 9 other Organizations Urge SEC to Reconsider Membership of the Market Structure Advisory Committee

AFR and 9 other organizations sent a letter to Chair Mary Jo White expressing concern over the exclusion of Professor Joseph Stiglitz from the SEC Market Structure Advisory Committee. The letter urges the SEC to reconsider, or to provide more detail regarding how it arrived to its decision.

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Joint Letter: AFR Joins 26 Allies in Applauding DOL’s Commitment to Fiduciary Rule

“As organizations that support strengthening protections for retirement savers, we write to thank you for sending a proposed rule to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to update and close loopholes in the 40-year-old rules that apply when individuals receive professional advice about retirement investments. Updating protections for retirement savers is urgently needed and long overdue.”

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Joint Letter: CFPB Moves Forward on Nonbank Auto Lending

“Supervision of nonbank auto financial institutions will bring much-needed attention to otherwise
lightly-regulated companies, will ensure compliance with consumer financial laws, and will
ensure that auto financing by banks, already subject to CFPB supervision, is not at a competitive

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AFR Letter: CFTC and SEC Must Act Against Derivatives “De-Guaranteeing” Ploy

“On behalf of Americans for Financial Reform (AFR), we write today to ask you to ensure appropriate regulatory oversight of derivatives transactions conducted through foreign subsidiaries of multinational Wall Street banks. In particular, we urge you to prevent the inappropriate classification of such derivatives as ‘non-guaranteed’ by the parent company, a classification which could exempt them from numerous critical derivatives regulations.”

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AFR Joins More than 200 Other Groups in Urging FHFA Director Mel Watt to Reverse Fannie-Freddie Policy on Principal Reduction

Mel Watt is being urged again to end the policy of prohibiting mortgage modifications that reduce the balance of principal. In a joint letter delivered today, more than 200 housing, community, labor, civil rights and consumer groups call on Watt to reverse the Federal Housing Finance Agency’s longstanding ban on principal reduction – a policy put in place by his predecessor.

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