Letters to Congress: Letter in Opposition to H.J.Res. 120, a Bill to Obstruct the Financial Stability Oversight Council

AFREF and allies led a letter to oppose H.J.Res.120, a bill to obstruct Financial Stability Oversight Council from carrying out its systemic risk oversight responsibilities based on its systemic risk authority mandated by Dodd Frank. The FSOC’s designation authority is essential for its ability to assess systemic risk, and where necessary, establish oversight of firms […]

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Letters to Congress: Letter in Support of Taking Action to Prevent Additional Bank Failures and Safeguard Consumers

Ranking Member Waters announced today the passage of two key bills in response to the Silicon Valley Bank and other bank failures in 2023. These Democratic-led, bipartisan bills, passed during yesterday’s full committee markup, are “aimed at safeguarding consumers and taking steps to prevent additional bank failures following the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank, First […]

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Letter to the Regulators: Comment to Treasury FinCEN Supporting Greater Anti-Money Laundering Screening for Registered Investment Advisers, Exempt Reporting Advisers, and Family Offices

Americans for Financial Reform Education Fund wrote a comment supporting the Department of Treasury’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) proposals to require additional anti-money laundering and countering of financial terrorism (CFT) requirements for Registered Investment Advisers (RIA). We also encourage FinCEN to jointly propose rulemaking with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to require the […]

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Letter to the Regulators: Letter to the SEC on Finalizing the ESG Funds Disclosures Rule to Protect Investors from Greenwashing and Other Misleading Claims

AFREF and 18 additional signatories wrote to the SEC in support of bringing much-needed disclosures to the vast market of ESG-designated products and services. The letter urges the SEC to finalize the rule titled “Enhanced Disclosures by Certain Investment Advisers and Investment Companies about Environmental, Social, and Governance Investment Practices” as soon as possible and […]

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Events: Alexa Philo, AFR’s Senior Policy Analyst, Joined a Panel for the Commodity Futures Trading Commission’s Energy and Environmental Markets Advisory Committee

Alexa joined the Energy and Environmental Markets Advisory Committee on April 10 to speak to the importance of the regulators’ large bank capital proposals. She explained key parts of the proposal impacting derivatives clearing and why all participants in the commodities derivative markets, whether exchanged traded, cleared, or uncleared, should support the proposals in the interest of […]

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Event: Ranking Member Waters, Professor Anat Admati and Professor Jeremy Kress debunked myths about bank capital at Admati’s book event

Americans for Financial Reform, together with Better Markets, welcomed Anat Admati, Professor of Finance and Economics at the Stanford School of Business, together with esteemed panelist, Assistant Professor of Business Law at Michigan Ross, Jeremy Kress, to discuss the recent update to Anat’s co-authored book, The Bankers’ New Clothes: What’s Wrong with Banking and What […]

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Letters to the Regulators: Letter Urging End to Overpayments to Insurance Companies and Financial Institutions

AFR joins a sign-on letter urging the Biden Administration to end billions of dollars in overpayments to insurance companies and financial institutions. These wasteful overpayments are causing significant challenges for Medicare’s financial sustainability. The fixes that CMS can and should undertake will help level the playing field between traditional Medicare and Medicare Advantage, promote health […]

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Event: Private Equity’s Attacks on Basic Human Needs

Wall Street private equity firms have grown from $1 trillion in 2008 to nearly $4.5 trillion today, exerting enormous influence in critical sectors of the economy. Private equity landlords have led the way in corporate landlords displacing tenants by neglecting properties while raising fees and rents. Private equity ownership in healthcare has led to the […]

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Event: Industry legal challenges to the SEC private funds disclosure rule: What’s at stake

This webinar examines the widespread harm that all businesses and investors would suddenly face if the Securities and Exchange Commission’s broadly accepted requirements for truthful disclosures and rules protecting investors suddenly come into question if the courts serve the SEC with an adverse ruling on a number of ongoing legal cases. In particular, the webinar […]

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Letters to Congress: Letter in Opposition to H.R. 2799, the Expanding Access to Capital Act

AFREF led a sign-on letter in opposition to H.R. 2799, the Expanding Access to Capital Act of 2024, along with the 10 undersigned organizations. Fundamentally, H.R. 2799 weakens regulation of both the public markets and the private markets, making it a bad deal for investors of all types, and a boon to issuers interested in […]

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