Coalition letter responding to OMB RFI on the important role of current regulatory enforcement processes
Work items by Americans for Financial Reform Education Fund
Coalition letter responding to OMB RFI on the important role of current regulatory enforcement processes
AFREF and partners sent a letter to FHFA on how FHFA should approach PACE loans.
Coalition letter to HUD opposing changes to AFFH rule.
Letter to HUD opposing the set of deregulatory efforts now under way that are withdrawing crucial commonsense oversight from the housing and financial markets, enabling discrimination, and thereby increasing barriers to affordable housing
AFR Ed Fund joined our partners in a letter to the USDA addressing proposed changes to strengthen and improve loss mitigation options for RHS borrowers.
On January 9, 2020, 29 organizations sent a letter to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau regarding the importance of applying Truth in Lending Act protections to PACE loans.
Letter to the NCUA urging them to prioritize consumer compliance
The development of a real-time, ubiquitous payment system is an especially complex, expensive undertaking. Because of the scale of the endeavor, and its potential to impact the American public as a whole, we firmly believe the Board is the appropriate entity to establish a universal 21st century payments system.
AFR Ed Fund and Demand Progress Ed Fund submitted comments to the Federal Reserve Board on faster payments.
Coalition letter urging the Federal Reserve to build in strong consumer protections into the design of its new real-time payment system